It produces a unique solution to underfloor heating projects. Its innovative and modern appearance is user friendly with ease of installation and use. It provides single centered control for those who want to save from time and use energy efficiently.
It responds to different demands with its 3 kinds of model. It provides maximum comfort for its last user. With zone leds, the last user can control and be involved in the heating process at any time.
It contributes to domestic production and national values. It come into prominence with its competitive price in the sector.
In the heating systems, underfloor heating system is a sustainable and modern solution. Keylink provides energy efficiency to this green system with single centered control.
It is developed with the idea that if it is to be found in your home, it should appeal to the eye. It is a unique and modern design blended / kneaded with current trends.
There is a screwed front cover and an on/off button on the terminal to prevent risky interventions to the card.
Screw mounting on the wall and connecting the cables to the terminals with crimp sockets provide ease of installation.
Keylink terminal boxes are modules that enable safe connection of room thermostats and actuators in underfloor heating installations fed from the collector.